Academician Vladimir Filatov is an outstanding ophthalmologist, clinician and scientist. He performed his first successful keratoplasty in 1931. In the course of his clinically innovative practice, he designed a number of instruments and innovations that greatly contributed to the progress of keratoplasty. Filatov was one of the true pioneers not only to the field of corneal transplantation and eye banking, but also in plastic and reconstructive surgery as well as medical eye care delivery.

To forever remember the legacy of academician Vladimir Filatov, the Filatov Memorial Lecture is one of the key highlights of our conference. In addition, the Filatov Memorial Lecturer is awarded by the Filatov Memorial Medal which has been established by the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine.

Filatov Memorial Lecture is presented by one of Ukrainian or International ophthalmologists who has contributed to the development of corneal transplantation, keratoplasty, keratoprosthesis, reconstructive surgery, and tissue therapy, which were primarily developed by academician Vladimir Filatov. The lecture is to be delivered at the Opening Ceremony of the FILATOV MEMORIAL LECTURES conference.

Filatov Memorial Lecture 2021

It is a great honour and privilege to announce that 2021 Filatov Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Professor Harminder S.Dua. The lecture “The pre-Descemets layer (Dua’s layer): Relevance to corneal surgery and corneal pathology” will be presented to the Filatov Memorial Lecture Opening ceremony: 20 May, 09:30.

MBBS, DO, DO(London), MS, MNAMS, FFMLM, FRCS(Edinburgh), FEBO, FRCOphth, FRCP(Edinburgh, Hon.), FCOptom.(Hon.), FRCOphth.(Hon.), MD, PhD, is Chair and Professor of Ophthalmology at the Queens Medical Centre, University of Nottingham since 1994 and joint Head of Service, Department of Ophthalmology, Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham since January 2018. He is also Honorary Professor of Universita della Svizze, Lugano and Faculty member, European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology since 2010.

Harminder S Dua was made Commander of the most excellent order of the British Empire by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in her 2019 Birthday Honours list.

Professor Harminder S.Dua CV
Lecture abstract
Filatov Memorial Lecture 2019